Libraries Needed : LibAddonMenu + CodesCombatAlerts

HowToKyne - What does it track ?
The addon is mainly designed for score pushing and agressive strategies !

Yandir :
  • Poison Totem - Dodge Alert (including the other ones if not killing totem)
  • Gargoyle Totem - Block Alert

Vrol :
  • Frigid Fog Prediction (only for the first cast)
  • Frigid Fog - Big Alert and Big Sound

  • Mini Kite - Alert for the duration of the kite casted by the mini
  • Mini Dash - Alert for the duration of the dash mechanic of the mini that you have to block
  • Mini Cleave - Alert on mini cleave that you have to dodge
  • Prisonners Coming Down - Alert for when prisoners are coming down if you are not killing them
  • Prisonners LA - Alert for when prisonners cast a LA on you that you have to dodge if you are not a tank
