SEH v1.2.0 was updated to be compatible with Code's Combat Alerts 1.16.4, with overlapping notifications removed from SEH. Update to CCA 1.16.4 to ensure you get all the notifications!

SEH v1.1.0 is now updated with multi-language support, credits to Lost.Seeker.

  • LibAddonMenu-2.0 (link)
  • Code's CombatAlerts 1.16.1 or higher (link)
  • (Recommended) OdySupportIcons (link)

A helper addon for the Sanity's Edge trial with features such as:
  • Notifications and screen effects for various mechanics
  • Timers for mechanics such as Fire Bombs, Frost Bombs, Shrapnel, Chain Lightning etc.
  • Support for icons for mechanics such as Frost Bombs, Rattled, and Poisoned Mind through OdySupportIcons
  • Icons for Crystals and Portals on Chimera
  • Miscellaneous features such as an Ignite Blamer for Yaseyla

This was the first addon I've written, so I learnt a lot from looking at QCell's trial helper addon. Big thanks to QCell, Code, Odylon, and EXoY for their quality addons.
