Empyrean dice is roller with a variable amount of dice up to 9 number long digits!

The addon has 3 commands

/rolltog - Toggles the dice roller on and off (default: on)
/rollmode - Changes output mode (0 = client only, 1 = Text Bar input,2 = Send to group) [Default: 2]
/roll <dice>d<dice max number>+<number> - rolls the dice. Putting nothing defaults to [1d6]+0
if the + is 0 it is not required.

examples for roll command
/roll 1d6 -- roll one 6 sided dice, add nothing after the roll
/roll 2d3+5 -- roll two 3 sided dice, add 5 after the rolls

Mode 2 requires everyone to be in a group
Mode 2 requires everyone in the group to be in the same local area
More specifically the map has to be the same local map. (someone in town and out of town will not work)

Planned Features (maybe):
Gui Elements
