This addon helps coordinate Soulgem, Parchment, Clippers fights. Everyone needs to have the addon.

You must be in a group together and in the same location.

Optionally, one person in group can throw a starter emote to show everyone a system message countdown:

/whistle, /horn, /come, /point, /pointd, /sitchair, /wand

Then the two players throw their Soulgem, Parchment, Clippers choice. This emote is queued for a little bit until both players have thrown so they are coordinated.

And then you will see system messages announcing the results to the players and anyone else in group with the addon.

Best of Luck in your Soulgem, Parchment, Clippers battles!!!

Thanks to

- Halja (ESOTheater)
- AnotherFoxGuy (ESO Theatre II)
- sirinsidiator (LibGroupSocket)

for inspirational code.

-- @Philgo68
