This addon automates switching outfits based on:
1) active weapon bar (main bar or off bar)
2) in-combat status (in-combat or out-of-combat)
3) active buff

For example,

- you may use one outfit for Lightning Staff bar, and a different outfit for Restoration Staff bar

- you may set a special outfit that automatically show up when you cast Bound Armor (via tracking the Minor Resolve buff), and revert to the original outfit when the effect expire (on death or turning off the toggle)

- you may set a special outfit for a templar character to show up when you have Minor Mending buff active, so you'll be in that outfit whenever you're standing on your Cleansing Ritual or Rune Focus

in the addon settings, Bar 1 Outfit and Bar 2 Outfit will be your base outfits.

Out-of-Combat outfit will override Bar1 and Bar2 if enabled.

Buff-tracking outfit will override Out-of-Combat outfit if enabled.

Transform Effect is a memento effect that will be played whenever outfit is changed, you may try to use some non-interruptive effect like Finvir's Trinket here (no character animation is played when you play that effect), but problems are that: 1) those effects have very long cooldown time 2) the memento effect can only be played when your character is not busy in another animation (even if that particular memento does not do an animation). one potential use is a special outfit change on Minor Force buff (Warhorn) along with a super bright Finvir's Trinket effect.

an Out-of-Combat costume option is provided, but not an in-combat costume option, because putting *on* a costume comes with an animation that disrupt combat, while putting *off* a costume does not involve an animation (even tho it also suffered from the same problem as memento: you cannot put off a costume when you are in the middle of another animation. so the auto costume switching could have a slight delay).
