Welcome to The Compendium!

Do you like Custom Quests? 'Cause I do! If you do too, then I have to disappoint you because this is only a demo of approximately one-and-a-half quests. But hey! Give it a whirl and get a taste of some custom user-created content built from the ground-up. See the screenshots for the features, but play for the experience!

NOTE: The second .5 of a quest takes you to the back room of Hazak's Hollow, which you will have to unlock through the quest; "Moon-Sugar Medicament".

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This is mostly a demo/prototype I built in my spare time over time as I found inspiration and motivation. It will eventually demonstrate a bunch of features I aimed to create into a full-fledged Custom Quests Creator, but alas I haven't found the time to completely finish the three-quest arc I wanted to do, so here it is for those that are interested. Perhaps it will inspire someone – and if you want to find out more about any of this, send a DM, (I'd rather you not use the comments for 1:1 conversations as I imagine it could become very messy otherwise).

You can set up keybinds in the appropriate menu (interact keybind is under the heading; LibCustomInteract, and to toggle the interface use the keybind under the heading; Alianym's Suite), and there are some settings in the AddOn settings sub-menu. This is explicitly in BETA, so yes. I know some options may be missing. I might add things like slash commands to open/close the tab at a later date.

I've had a number of inspirations over the years that have brought me back to this project, so I figured I'd list them here:
  • When several library authors put an April Fools joke letter into several commonly used Libs.
  • Harven's Quest Journal – A different way of viewing quests in the game, more like the Journals of old
  • Journal Quest Log – This one gave me the idea that perhaps I could recycle the game's own Journal tabs, and maybe even expand out my own Quest Log to a custom Library as well. Also coincidentally a source of inspiration for my first published AddOn; The Questing Guide.
  • LibCustomDialog – This one is a recent addition, but a good potential in the realm of Custom Quests.

Required Libraries:
