Welcome to The Librarium!
Auran, fair wayfarer. Here is an AddOn that I've used for adding custom books to the world of Elder Scrolls Online. Please see the screenshots for an idea of what the interfaces look like, and download the latest version to see it in action.

Different zones house different books. For the purposes of this AddOn, there was originally only one book per each zone of; Auridon, Glenumbra, and Stonefalls. More have since been added, and will continue to be added. These books can be discovered on any shelf in their specific zones, and will then be available in the Librarium. You can set up a keybind for interaction (under the heading; LibCustomInteract), and either use another keybind to toggle the interface (under the heading; Alianym's Suite) or use the /librarium command.

More To Come...
The amount of texts is growing! Through my own prolific writing, and perhaps the aid of certain other individuals or communities. At any rate, I'm still looking to build it out more in the future... and now you can help! (See below)

Gamepad Support:
Gamepad support is here! There's now a Gamepad-integrated version of the Librarium UI (user interface), (and you can save mail from the Gamepad base-game interface), if you want to use that. If you're in keyboard mode and try to use it, I make no warranties, but it should work fine if you want to continue using the keyboard UI with Gamepad. Just check out the new keybinding (CONTROLS -> Alianym's Suite -> Open The Librarium – Gamepad).

  • The Gamepad UI doesn't include the prompt to write your own texts. That's much more of a keyboard thing. You can view books you have written with the editor in the Gamepad UI, but to actually do the editing you can either type /librariumwrite or go through the keyboard interface which is still available to you.

The Editor:
Accessible via keybind within the appropriate section of the Librarium, (or using the Slash Command; /librariumwrite), is a custom editor allowing you to write (and later edit!) your own books for local viewing.

See the uploaded screenshots for ideas, or take a look in-game!

Code for the Editor was based on work done by Gigon for GGN Book2Clipboard, (used with permission).

Some Notes:
  • The first line is always the title. Everything that follows is the main text of the book. Currently a title is required.
  • Current Character-Limit is 10000. If you can't type any more, you've probably hit this limit.
  • You can change the Book Medium with a key press. Check out your text in a book, a letter, or even a sequence plaque!
Send In Your Texts:
There is a keybind to the Librarium which appears when you hover your cursor over a book you've written in the "Personal Writings" section of the Librarium. This button will send a copy of that book to me, along with values set up in the AddOn settings menu which include:
  • To whom to attribute the work (if it's a different @name to the one from which I receive the mail I will be curious!) This can be kept blank or just type "anonymous".
  • To list zones where you'd like your book to be found
At that point I'll look it over and see if it's suitable to be added to the Librarium for all the users to enjoy.

Some Notes:
  • I'm happy to look at non-English submissions. I might have to translate them, but I'm not going to close the door on this one
  • This is primarily for in-universe texts, but I don't want to infringe on any existing Elder Scrolls character stories, so I won't be accepting submissions of Ayrenn's personal journal or tales of your escapades with Count Verandis – not unless I add an in-universe "editor's note" to your book about how it's of dubious credibility and unverifiable. My aim is to include as many people as possible, and that's difficult when everyone is writing about how they helped Naryu Virian in Deshaan against the Llodos plague
  • No real-world discussion or commentary. This is set in the Elder Scrolls universe and ESO timeline, let’s keep it there please. (If you want to lean on the fourth wall a little feel free, just don’t take it down with a sledgehammer)

DM me with any questions or thoughts.
The comments section is the place for bugs.

Saving Mail:
You can also save your mail into your Librarium! Mails saved from the Inbox are currently categorized into Hireling, Player, and System mails. There is an option in the AddOn settings to turn on the saving of mail as it is Sent, (outbound), as well. This addition is compatible with Postmaster Mail

Have You Seen The Latest?
There is now a book with interactive titles in the Notice Board -> Notice Board -> "Discoverable Books" which lists out all books out in the wild and the zones in which they're located. It doesn't include books that are always available. The pop-up when clicking on a title will display the author and in which locations the book can be found.

I introduced a settings panel where you can swap between account- and character-wide Librariums. This includes discovered books and locally-written books in addition to saved letters. There are also now options to include/exclude certain details such as in-universe date from saved letters.

Required Libraries:
