Welcome to Pets and Treats* (PAT)!

[The AddOn uses custom textures that only load with a fresh open of ESO, so please install with ESO closed]

Ever wanted to pet a dog or guar, (or more?) in-game but couldn't? Then enter Pets and Treats, the ultimate in wish-fulfillment potential! Originally envisioned as a series of quests, I decided to redesign it as achievements instead and hoo-wee was that a journey. Anyway, I got there more-or-less in the end. That said, the operation is simple. Open up your Journal (Default: J) and navigate to the tab with the paw icon. Also you'll need to bind a new interaction key (under the heading; LibCustomInteract). That'll get you started on an adventure of a lifetime! A pawsitively doggone grand adventure that'll take you to lands far and wide.

Tell Me More...
So in case anyone's wondering, (and someone is probably wondering), I'd like to add other animals to this in the future. Named guar, named cats, you name it (or I guess ZOS names them), I'd like to add 'em! I started small because I have to go find each of these dogs and guar manually in-game and then do some script stuff to get their names in English, French, German, and Russian, and I wanted to gauge interest. Unfortunately there are also some technical difficulties adding some animals and it seems somewhat arbitrary on the part of ZOS.

Oh, also disclaimer. *The AddOn name was from my original design which allowed "treat-giving" of a sort, but I couldn't decide how I wanted to apply it here and couldn't be bothered changing all references in my AddOn just to have to change it again if/when I added that functionality.

Try it out, let me know what you think! If there are bugs, also let me know. Now get out there!

Required Libraries:
LibAlianym (v0.40 or later)

Future Ideas
I have several AddOns now that make use of custom interact keys, and even different tabs (library, journal, now achievements...) and I might look at a way to make them all work together nicer so that if you have several of my AddOns they'll combine and you'll just generally need less keybinds.
