At long last, a profile viewing system has arrived for ESO roleplayers! The RP Profile viewer supports in-game display of character info, biographies, and even a profile image! The only catch is that you must create and maintain your profile on the ESO Rollplay website,

ESO Rollplay is built around a stats and rolling system, but you can ignore those if they don't interest you. All you need to do for the purpose of this addon is create your characters and fill out some profile information. Additionally, you can post writings/stories to your character profiles (not viewable in-game, sorry), or use the robust name generator to come up with something unique for your next character.

To use the addon, you must first run the Profile Monitor program (RPProfileMonitor.exe) to download character profile information (more on this below). This program can be found in your Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns\RPProfileViewer\ProfileMonitor folder.

Once you're in ESO, there will be a keybind you can use to show the profile viewer window, or you can use the /rpprofilewindow command. Initially, the window will only show your character (so long as that character has profile information). But the addon is watching for any character you look at - if that character has a profile in the system, it will show an edgy Daedric RP icon in place of their alliance rank, and their profile will be available for viewing. Another way to view a character's profile is to right-click their name in chat, and a View RP Profile option will appear if they have one available.

Keep in mind that the usefulness of this addon depends directly on how popular it is. The more people that start using it, the more profiles there will be to see!

Using the Profile Monitor Program

RP Profile Viewer uses an external program to download profile data, similar to TTC. During operation, the Profile Monitor does not have a form or console window. It will sit unobtrusively in your status area (down by the clock) and can be safely left running in the background at all times. The program can be interacted with by right-clicking its status icon. The available interactions are as follows:
  • ESO Rollplay Site - This launches a browser window to, which is where you will create and/or edit your characters.
  • Update Profiles Now - This immediately forces the program to download new profile data.
  • Update Options - This allows you to change the update mode the program uses. More on this below.
  • Exit - As you have likely guessed, this will close the program.

The Profile Monitor has 3 modes it can operate in:
  1. No Updates - In this mode, the program will immediately download profile information, and then it will close after a 10 second grace period. This grace period is so you can select another update mode if desired.
  2. Manual Only - The Profile Monitor will sit idle. The user may initiate profile updates using Update Profiles Now, but the program otherwise does nothing.
  3. Automatic (default) - The Profile Monitor will download profile information immediately, and then sit idle, listening for the ESO game client. When it detects that the game client has been started, it will download profile information again. In addition, it will download profile updates daily at midnight.

The source code for the program can be found here:




The profile viewer window doesn't have any characters to choose from!
You need to run the Profile Monitor program so it can download profile information.

My antivirus has flagged the Profile Monitor program as malicious!
This has been reported for Norton Antivirus, and may apply to other antivirus software as well. Although the exact criteria used to flag programs is not publicly known (for good reason), I suspect the issue here is that the Profile Monitor is not digitally signed and queries which programs are currently running.

There is a blank space where a character's profile picture should be!
This is because the image was downloaded while the ESO game client is running. There is unfortunately no workaround for this, and you will need to restart your game for it to appear properly.

I or someone else updated a character's profile information while I was in-game, and I want to see the changes!
Use the Profile Monitor's Update Profiles Now action, and then /reloadui.

I updated my character's profile picture but it won't change in-game!
The Profile Monitor only downloads an image if it thinks it needs to. It does this by checking to see if the image URL has changed. If you simply replaced the image you were using with a different one with the same name, the Profile Monitor won't detect the change.

Why do I need to run a separate program?
ESO's addon system is pretty restrictive, and it's difficult to pass information between players; particularly large amounts of information as is often found in RP characters' profiles and backstories. This is the same reason Tamriel Trade Centre needs a downloader program of its own. Without the external program, you're limited to inconvenient workarounds like having to broadcast your character's information yourself using chat (In-Character)

I've been waiting for something like this for years! I can't thank you enough!
Send beer money via Paypal.
