This addon provides the ability to link player houses together to form a “town” in game. It does this by creating portals, locations within a player home, that will teleport them to another player home

In addition, while inside of a player home that is part of a town, various pieces of information are provided to the player via the game UI.

The Role-Play Town Portals addon currently supports 3 player towns: If you run a role-play town yourself, and wish to have your town included in this add-on for your players, please contact TheBobbyLlama and we can see about getting it added!

* Available through Minion as well for easy updates! *


Below is the main UI panel and the information it provides:

Hofborg is the name of the town, The Spirit Woods is the name of the town home the player is currently in. Each player home that is linked to the town can have its own name. The numbers under the house icon indicate the current player population of the home, and the population cap.

Here is an example image of what the compass might look like when inside of a town home. The house icons are other portals that will take you to other player homes that are part of the town and that link off the location you are currently in:

The add-on will also provide the locations of portals on the map. Hovering over them will provide the name of the location they will take you to:

To make use of the portals, simply walk to where one is located, and when you are close enough, a confirmation dialog will be displayed, telling you where the portal leads to, and allowing you to accept or cancel:

You can click on the white house icon in the main UI panel to gain access to a context menu that will provide a few more features:

The Town Starting Locations submenu will provide instant access to porting to the provided locations. This is intended as an easy way to get to the towns primary starting location. Each town will have one entry in this menu:

The Minimize UI checkbox allows you to switch the main UI panel to either show everything, as it does by default, or to only show the house icon, a “minimized” version of the panel.

When minimized, you can see the town home information as a tooltip when hovering your mouse over the White House icon:
