AddOn Code is Written by Alianym and managed by @OneSkyGod.

Required AddOn Libraries:

Immersive Quests

Immersive Quests enhances the Journals task descriptions in order to provide lore friendly clues of where you are supposed to adventure in order to solve the quest, without being obliged to follow the 3D World, Compass and Map Pins that the PinKiller AddOn can remove.
You'll get to Explore and Adventure Nirn instead of just running straight from one Waypoint to another.

This AddOn has integrated capabilities for Creative Writers to contribute with No coding skills required.
After being Play Tested and Proofread by our team, the directional writings will be added to the Immersive Quests AddOn for everyone to experience!

This is a new AddOn that is a work in progress, more playable quests/zones are being written.

Before - ESO Vanilla Tasks

After - ESO With Immersive Quests

Immersive Quests Youtube Video Link

Immersive Quests Tutorial Youtube Video Link

Current Playable Quests-Lines & Zones:

Khenarthi's Roost = FINISHED
Auridon = FINISHED
Bleakrock Isle FINISHED
Bal Foyen = FINISHED
Grahtwood= Not PlayTested
Greenshade= Not PlayTested
Malabal Tor= Not PlayTested
Reaper's March= Not PlayTested

Stonefalls = Not PlayTested
Deshaan = Not PlayTested
SIDE QUESTS of Shadowfen = Not PlayTested
SOME SIDE QUESTS of Eastmarch = Not PlayTested

Creative Writers - PlayTesters - Proofreaders - Wanted:
Wish to leave your personal creative trace on others players Questing Experience?
We are currently looking for people to join and write Lore Friendly Directions for the Undone Quests for this AddOn.
If interested leave a comment or Message @OneSkyGod on PC/NA preferably.

Translators Wanted:
If interested leave a comment or Message @OneSkyGod on PC/NA preferably.

Recommended AddOn:

Useful Immersion AddOns:
Immersion AddOns and Settings Ultimate List

Special Thanks to:
Alianym, they wrote the AddOn !
The Contributors for this AddOn
UESPWiki members
The Elder Scrolls AddOns and Modding Community
