As of v1.5, I made significant changes to the addon that might have introduced a few bugs. Please let me know if the addon stopped working for you! The older version of the add-on is also available for download.

This addon detects when Crystal Fragments triggers the effect of granting the next use of 'Crystal Fragments' (Sorcerer's skill) as an instant cast ability with 50% cost of magicka and 20% more damage. It then alerts the user by displaying a big icon, along with a timer, on the screen.

Inspired by Reager's now-Discontinued addon of the same name:

Current Version: v1.5

By default, the addon will display a big alert icon, along with a timer, at the bottom center of the screen when Crystal Fragment Proc is triggered. Position of the icon can be adjusted and its new location will be automatically saved for future play sessions. The icon disappears as soon as it is casted or if buff duration is over.

To adjust the position of the icon:
/cfp show - Displays location of the icon. Simply use your mouse to drag it to your desired position.
/cfp hide - Hides the indicator after icon is at your desired position.

To adjust the size of the icon and timer text (Requires LibAddOnMenu!):
Access Crystal Fragments Proc's addon settings -
Press Esc -> Settings -> Addon -> Crystal Fragments Proc -> Adjust accordingly.

To save computing resources, the add-on will only activate for Sorcerers.

Note: As of v1.5, I consider the addon complete. Unless I can think of something to make it better or if there are any bugs, I don't think I will be making any more changes to it. Thank you for everyone's feedback and bug reports over the year!

Special thanks to: ESO UI Wiki and Forums

Change Log:

- The addon should now work with any version of this game.
- Default timer size is now bigger.
- The indicator (image and text) are now adjustable to a certain point. (Requires LibAddOnMenu!)
- Maintenance (documentation)

- Fixed a bug where the addon might conflict with another. (Thanks, Nyyxxon!)
- Maintenance (matching APIVersion, documentation)

- Timer is now implemented in this addon. With this new feature, any bug that causes the alert icon to stay on the screen even when duration is over should now be fixed.
- Maintenance (matching APIVersion, documentation)

- Fixed a bug where the addon was also detecting other player's Crystal Fragment procs. Had no effect on user, but this bug fix should help with performance.

- Optimization
- Icon can now be moved. New location will be saved for future play sessions.
- Icon will remain visible until skill is casted or if duration is over
