This addon detects when an activated damage shield is lower than an adjustable percentage threshold (Default is at 0.45 of shield strength) or an adjustable base threshold (default is at 2500), or if the shield has been deactivated or destroyed. It then alerts the user by displaying a warning on the screen.

Inspired and made possible by @ratparol101's addon: and Garkin's addon:

Addon works with any class.

Current version: v1.1

By default, the addon will display an alert warning (WARD LOW!) at the center of the screen when the user's damage shield is lower than a percentage threshold or a base threshold, or if it has been destroyed or deactivated (WARD DOWN!). Position of the icon can be adjusted and its new location will be automatically saved for future play sessions. The percentage threshold and base threshold can also be adjusted and its value will be automatically saved. The icon disappears as soon as the player is out of combat or if it the user has applied a new ward shield.

For default values, percentage threshold is the value of shield strength * 0.45, meaning at 45% of the shield strength, the WARD LOW! alert will pop out.

Base threshold is 2500, meaning when shield strength is at 2500, the WARD LOW! alert will pop out.

To adjust the position and of the icon and the percentage threshold:
/wrm show - Displays location of the warning icon. Simply use your mouse to drag it to your desired position.
/wrm hide - Hides the indicator after warning icon is at your desired position.
/wrm value - Shows current threshold percentage.
/wrm '0.05-0.99' - To adjust the threshold percentage, simply type in a value after /wrm. It has to be between 0.05 or 0.99. Any other number will prompt a debug message telling the player that an invalid value has been inputted. For example, if you want to set the threshold to 0.35, type in /wrm 0.35. Default is at 0.45. (Recommended Values: 0.35-0.65)

To adjust the base threshold:
/wrmb value - Shows current base threshold.
/wrmb '500-10000' - To adjust the base threshold percentage, simply type in a value after /wrmb. It has to be between 500 or 10000. Any other number will prompt a debug message telling the player that an invalid value has been inputted. For example, if you want to set the threshold to 1000, type in /wrmb 1000. Default is at 2500. (Recommended Values: 1000-3500)

- Percentage Threshold is changed every time a shield is destroyed or deactivated. This isn't normally a problem, but it could become one if a small shield was the only shield remaining. I had different iteration of this addon that doesn't do this, but it introduced new problems (mostly logical). For this iteration, the current fail-safe fix is a base threshold that the user can adjust. It kind of defeats the purpose of the percentage feature, so I am not sure if this is the right idea of going about it. Let me know if you have an idea of how you think this threshold should work.

- Multiple Shields might bug out the addon. So far, I have only been able to test it when I have Annulment and Hardened Ward activated (the only shield actives for Sorc). I am not sure what might happen if multiple shields from other players are applied to the userr as it is difficult to do complete testing by myself. The addon should still work fine, but let me know if a bug occurs in your playtime and how it happened, so I can try to fix it.

Note: The addon was designed to help the player manage their damage shield resource, so that they don't deplete their magicka when it is not necessary. I personally made the add-on for this purpose. I hope it might help you out as well.

Special thanks to: ESO UI Wiki, Forums, everyone in the ESO UI Gitter Chatroom!

Change Log:
- Removed class restriction; the addon can now be used with any class

September 6, 2019:
All files should now be in a folder for easy installation. I can't believe I missed that again!
