Track stacks of Bound Armaments! This is updated for the Harrowstorm Patch. Special thanks to @Porkjet for the awesome sorc texture!

Just a simple adaptation of g4rr3t's amazing Grim Focus Counter, that does the same thing, but with Bound Armaments.

If you encounter bugs, contact either me or him!

Link to Grim Focus Counter:

I also implemented the Custom Title Library that was developed by Ayantir and Kyoma into the addon (awesome work there). This means that anyone who uses the BAC addon can see a set of custom titles on players. This only requires the addon installed to be accurate, you do not have to be on a sorcerer for that to work. If you desire a custom title, send me a PM with the desired color in html (color gradients are possible, send two colors in that case) and your ingame @ Name. Note that I will not add titles that I deem to be inappropriate.
