Sorcerer Helper
An addon for sorcerers that reminds you to keep your minions and buffs up, alerts you with a countdown when Crystal Fragments proc, and countdown for quite a few of your abilities with a duration.
Available for non-Sorcs, but currently only for common skills (no class skills except for Sorcerers yet).

This is a simple general update, skills timers update and bugfix to the useful yet long time abandoned Sorcerer Helper addon.
It has been tested to work on ESO Harrowstorm and its API.

  • Alerts and Procs display a countdown of seconds remaining
  • Two display modes:
    • Two types of icons: Reminders (buffs) and Alerts & Procs, in two different windows
    • In slot order, for example it can be placed just above the skill bar
  • Scaleable icon sizes, for example alert icons twice the size of reminder icons
  • All abilities (buffs, procs & alerts) can be individually turned on or off
  • Option to hide when in menus
  • Option to show repositioning help, otherwise the position is locked
  • Selectable if it should load for non-sorcerer characters
  • Selectable if settings should be account wide (like today) or for each character (new in 2.5.1)
  • Sorcerer / Dark Magic
    • Crystal Fragments (proc)
    • Encase
    • Rune Prison
  • Sorcerer / Daedric Summoning
    • Unstable Familiar (buff)
    • Daedric Curse
    • Summons Winged Twilight (buff)
    • Bound Armor (buff)
    • Conjured Ward
  • Sorcerer / Storm Calling
    • Mages' Fury
    • Lightning Form
    • Lightning Splash
    • Surge
    • Bolt Escape
  • Weapon / Destruction Staff
    • Weakness of Elements
    • Wall of Elements (new in 2.5.0)
  • Weapon / Restoration Staff
    • Steadfast Ward
  • World / Soul Magic
    • Soul Trap
  • Guild / Fighters Guild
    • Expert Hunter
  • Guild / Mages Guild
    • Mage's Light (buff)
    • Entropy
  • Alliance War/ Assault
    • Magicka Detonation

  • Set "Show repositioning help" to ON in the settings
  • Left-click and drag to reposition the windows
  • Set "Show repositioning help" to OFF in the settings to get rid of the repositioning windows and lock the icons

Known Issues
  • Expert Hunter countdown doesn't extend (as the actual ability do)
  • Daedric Curse timer tracks from when it was cast, not from when it affects the target. As such, it might be off by a second or two depending on the distance to the target.
  • Timers need fine-tuning, for example some now depend also on skill rank
  • Ligtning Splash does not do a good job to detect when the cast is aborted and usually display countdown anyway
  • If you use redefine keys to mouse buttons, the abilities that is solely detected by the key detection routine will fail to be detected
  • Sometimes at load of new scene or mount/dismount, a timer might display in large icon. Remedy is to toogle the ability
  • There is a small memory leak, so after some time you might have to give command /RELOADUI to clear it out.

Possible Future Features
  • More abilities with a duration
  • Modify Mage's Fury depending on targets health above/below 20%
  • Display countdowns in time order, i.e. 1 sec left before the one with 2 sec left
  • Add class skills for non-sorcerers, for example:
    • Show proc for Nightblade assasins Merciful Resolve (similar to Crystal Fragments)
  • Summoned creature HP display (currently not possible as far as I know due to limitations in the game API)
  • Summoned pets now have abilities/buffs that can be activated. If game API allows tracking of this on the pets (I have some doubts) these could also be shown with a timer kind of like how daedric curse works. For example:
    • Familiar Damage Pulse (4 sec PBAOE)
    • Empower Twilight Tormentor (15 second 50% damage buff to pet)
  • Cosmetic issue when you scale the icons to 100%, you can see the border frame. If you scale it bigger, you can't see this any more. Maybe add an option to show/hide border and let it scale with the ability icon size.

Continued version of SorcererHelper by stjobe (1.1.13 from 09/18/14) and then RunningDuck.
Suggestion and part of code for per character settings: Baertram
