This is a small addon, inspired by DoYouEvenDebuff, to track various debuffs in a clean UI.

This addon is currently unmaintained.
If you're interested in maintaining it, please message Jarva on ESOUI.

Trackable Debuffs
  • Taunt Immunity - Im
  • Alkosh - AL
  • Crusher - CR
  • Major Breach - MB
  • Minor Breach - mB
  • Minor Magickasteal - mMg
  • Weakening - WK
  • Minor Brittle - mBr
  • Minor Maim - mMa
  • Major Maim - MMa
  • Morag Tong - MoT
  • Engulfing Flames - EF
  • Minor Vulnerability - mV

Thank you to AiMPlAyEr for the original addon concept and letting me re-use the design.
