Welcome to Custom Item Notes!

Created after a request to add notes to items. You can view/update these with the new context menu item "Edit Note" (text is localized). This is a relatively simple implementation that I may expand if anyone has other requests/thoughts/comments on how it could be improved but my aim for this initial release was to keep it fairly simple. Usage should hopefully be pretty straightforward, (see below).

To edit (add/remove) a note from an item:
Open context menu (right-click on Keyboard+Mouse) and select "Edit Note", then SAVE to update the note.
I can add a command to remove all CINs (custom item notes) at once if the desire is there, but for now it's a 1:1 add/remove.

Each note is tied to an item ID and the notes are currently stored account-wide per megaserver.

Required Libraries:
