
Materialist 作者: DeDumCHee

A simple addon that displays a log of all items obtained during refinement/deconstruction in your chat window.Very useful for when you decon after a dungeon/trial and go so fast the basegame log doesn't keep up

BuddysWritStatus (Only on German Clients) 作者: buddy7744

Dieses Addon ist eine Überarbeitung von PhaeroX Writ Status(https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info...ritStatus.html.Sein Addon hat für mich(deutscher Client) nicht funktioniert. Deshalb hab ich dieses überarbeitet und für den deutschen Client funktions

Gold Per Hour 作者: satchmo1991

A simple addon that uses LibPrice to calculate the value of all the items and gold you loot and displays the total value per session, and your current gold per hour rate.This addon is useful to compare different farming routes or locations, or to keep tr

FishBreak 作者: Solaris Lorica

Purpose:Graphical indicator for when to reel in fish.Function:When a fish is on the hook, "FISH" appears in the middle of the screen. Until the fish is caught or the person stops fishing.Mechanics:Uses EVENT_INVENTORY_SINGLE_SLOT_UPDATE to measure a c

Aldanga's Lazier Writ Precrafter 作者: Aldanga

If you want to pre-craft daily writs, you've come to the right place! You can pre-craft daily writs of any level (or any combination of levels) and save yourself precious minutes while hopping between toons for dailies.First up, this addon would not be

AutoRefine 作者: ihause

Addon refines raw materials (jewelrycrafting dust, blacksmithing, clothier and woodworking) automatically. It calculates and saves between sessions the amount and probabilities of refined materials.How to use:Open craft station, press button "Auto Refin