
Lazy Alchemy Learner 作者: Dolgubon

This add-on will queue all (base game/cheap) alchemy traits up so you can learn them easily. Simply type /learnalchemytraits into chat, visit an alchemy station, and let it do its work!Will skip traits that you already know!Requires LibLazyCrafting to w

Votan's Improved Provisioner 作者: votan

DescriptionIn the beginning, with an empty recipe list, it was ok not having a big empty black window. But if you know more and more recipes the list gets real small compared to the big material panel.This addon rearranges the controls for more space f

AutoRefine 作者: ihause

Addon refines raw materials (jewelrycrafting dust, blacksmithing, clothier and woodworking) automatically. It calculates and saves between sessions the amount and probabilities of refined materials.How to use:Open craft station, press button "Auto Refin

Bandits Alchemy Helper 作者: Hoft

Improves alchemy crafting interface- Have no options menu, works as a part of default alchemy crafting interface- Option to reveal unknown reagent traits- Automatic solvent filter- Ability to filter reagents by traits (use shift+click for multiple fil

ResearchTimer - Unofficial Update 作者: Fennek

This is an updated version of ResearchTimer by hisdad (you can find the original AddOn here) since the original AddOn has not been updated for over 3 years now.Please uninstall the original version before installing this one! Having both might just break