An AddOn that helps training your alt on crafting skills (blacksmithing, woodworking, clothing and jewel crafting).

Type "/leotrainer" on your chat to open the main window or use the KeyBinding.

Dependencies (please, install these):
* Leo's Altholic (1.5.0+)
* LibFeedback
* LibAddonMenu-2.0
* LibLazyCrafting
* LibSavedVars
* FCO ItemSaver if you plan to use auto research or auto deconstruct. This is for safety!

Suggested workflow

* You need to login with each character with Leo's Altholic enabled for them.
* You can do this in parallel with your daily writs to optimize your time. It's compatible with Dolgubon's Lazey Writ.
* If using auto deconstruct and auto research, disable any other auto addons to avoid conflicts.
  1. On on master crafter, open the main windows and click "Fill all slots"
  2. All empty research slots will appear on the queue unless there is a researchable item in bank
  3. Go to each station to craft the items (option to auto craft and compatible with Lazy Writ. It will mark for research if you have FCO Item Saver)
  4. Go to the bank and deposit the items (option to auto deposit)
  5. Log in with each trainee, go to each station and research an item (option to auto research and compatible with Lazy Writ)
  6. You can also auto deconstruct items to increase the trade skill (only available until max level in that skill)

Auto options
* Auto craft will mark crafted items for research if you have FCO Item Saver
* Auto research will only work for items masked for research on FCO Item Saver. This is for safety and prevent the lost of important items with a trait that you need. Just mask an item with research item and the addon will use it.
* Auto deconstruct will only work for items masked for deconstruct or intricate on FCO Item Saver. This is for safety and prevent the lost of important items. Just mask an item with deconstruct item and the addon will use it. You can also use the auto mark feature inn FCO Item Saver.
* Auto deconstruct will not deconstruct items with level too far from your skill. If you have 49 in blacksmithing, you will gain too little for deconstruct an iron item level 1; better save for other char with lower BS. The same if you have BS level 1 should not deconstruct an ancient silk item level 50, you will gain a lot, but a lot will be lost because of gain cap.

All crafted items will be of white quality and use basic materials (iron ingot, sanded mapple, jute and pewter ounce). No need to waste valuable resources on training, eg. better deconstruct a purple item than use it for research. Will use only playable race style materials (can be bought from vendor).

* Easily known who can train and who can be trained in a skill
* Create an entire queue in one char and craft the items on others
* Remove an item from the queue by right-click it
* Fill empty research slots on your alts (primary use to save bank space, will only craft what's immediately needed)
* Settings with available skills to be trained for each char and fill slots (eg. maybe you don't want to train you alts jewel crafting for now because it's expensive, only on you main crafter)
* Auto Craft
* Auto Research
* Auto Deposit
* Auto Deconstruct

Donate here.

My addons:
Leo's Altholic
Leo's Trainer
Leo's Guild Manager
Leo's Dolmen Runner
