I am still working on this when I can. My current plans that are in the works for it are:
  1. Rebuild entirely
  2. Seperate Easy Alchemy into it's own addon
  3. Implement better functions for getting every possible alchemy recipe possible. < have the basics built. will be a lib shared by both

Requires LibAddonMenu-2.0

Works in Gamepad Mode and Keyboard/Mouse Mode

  • Added the option to auto-accept all writs from writ board on interaction.
  • Added the option to auto-craft on using crafting station.
  • option to enable/disable auto-crafting of alchemy writs to allow selecting a recipe.
  • Added the ability to save potions/poisons for Easy Alchemy.

Updated Writ panel with Station Icons. The chest icon shows that at least 1 item for that writ is in the bank.

Displays a panel on the HUD that shows the current writs and how many are completed.
The writ panel:
  • can be collapsed to show only the number of writs completed and total.
  • can be minimized to a small arrow icon.
  • hides in pvp zones, dungeons, and when in combat.
  • moves out of the way of the group list.
  • if in a group of more than 4, it auto collapses.

Adds features to crafting.
  • for provisioning and alchemy, "Craft for Writ" button replaces "Craft" button when a writ is active with recipe\s needing to be crafted. "Craft for Writ" button will craft per amount needed based on skill.
  • for Smithing stations, "Craft for Writ" button replaces "Craft" button when a smithing writ is active with items needing to be crafted. "Craft for Writ" button will craft all items per amount needed using the style material based on...
    ... with the highest quantity if enabled in the settings, or the currently selected style material.
  • for enchanting, automatically adds the runes to the crafting boxes
  • for alchemy, automatically adds the solvent and reagents to the crafting boxes.
    if there are multiple recipes for the potion\poison, those recipes can be selected via left\right (< >) buttons on the writ panel (or the shoulder buttons on a gamepad).
    multiple recipes are sorted by reagent stock on hand(default), selected preference(in settings), or by average Tamriel Trade Centre price (must have TTC addon and have price list updated)
    cycling through the recipes will also change the crafting slots to reflect the selected recipe.
If items needed for a consumable writ and/or "Acquire" items are stored in the bank, those items will be added to a list to be auto-withdrawn on next bank interaction. This is to make it easy to store additional crafted items in the bank to use for later crafting writs.

The "Easy Alchemy" addition allows crafting by reagent traits.
adds 4 horizontal lists.

Trait1 is a list of all current traits.
Trait2 is a list of traits that produce a result with Trait1
Trait3 is a list of traits that produce a result with Trait1 and Trait2
Can rapidly scroll thru them suing the mouse wheel

There is a delay while it "searches" for a result with the selected traits when a selection is changed.
This is do to searching for all possible reagent combinations for the selected traits.
You can save alchemy recipes created with Easy Alchemy for later use from the Saved Recipes tab.

Easy Alchemy works with the writ panel the same way alchemy writs do, as stated above.
Easy Alchemy can be disabled in settings.

Submit Bugs at: https://www.esoui.com/portal.php?id=321&a=bugreport
