Requires LibAddonMenu-2.0

Works in Gamepad Mode and Keyboard/Mouse Mode

  • added option to auto "Add All". This option will add all filtered items to be deconstructed on opening the station or assistant.

  1. Refine
    1. Adds the option to only show raw materials there are enough to refine. (10 or more)
  2. Deconstruct
    1. Adds the "Carried" tab
      • this tab only show items carried in the "Backpack"
      • all items are sorted the same as originally.
    2. Changes the original tabs ( Jewelry, Weapons, Apparel )
      • now only shows banked items
    3. Disables and removes the option to show banked items in keyboard mode since it becomes redundant.
  3. Deconstruction Assistant
    1. Adds the "Carried" tab
      • this tab only show items carried in the "Backpack"
      • all items are sorted the same as originally.
    2. Changes the original tabs ( All, Jewelry, Weapons, Apparel, Glyphs)
      • now only shows banked items
    3. Disables and removes the option to show banked items in keyboard mode since it becomes redundant.
  4. "Automation"
    1. "Add All"
      • this button is used to quickly add all deconstructable items in the curent tab in one click, based on filters, up to 100 items.
      • if all posible items that can be added using "Add All" hae been selected, it will become "Clear Selections".
      • by cefualt it is only added to Refine and the "Carried" tab and can be added to the other tabs be setting "Use Add All for others".
    2. "Open to Deconstruct" {requested by K1nor}
      • auto-opens to Deconstruct and slects the "Carried" tab if you are carying items that pass the filters.
      • use with caution. Some addons require opening the station to a specific tab. Using this option could cause issues with those addons.
    3. "Auto open Assistant."
      • skips the dialogue and slects the "Carried" tab if you are carying items that pass the filters.
    4. "Auto Add All"
      • this option will auto "Add All" filtered items to be deconstructed on opening the station or assistant.
    5. "Filters"
      • include Default -- Items not covered by the other filters
      • include Set Items
      • include Ornate
      • include Intricate
      • include Retraited
      • include Reconstructed
      • include Researchable

Each filter has it's own:
  • include only items at or above the Min Quality set.
  • include only items at or below the Max Quality set.
If a filter is not enabled, anything that would be included in that filter will be excluded from "Add All"

"Clean refinement tab" option in settings.

! May conflict with other inventory filtering addons !
If using FCO CraftFilter, when not viewing "Carried" tab, selecting to hide banked items will result in an empty list. The original tabs* only show banked items.

* "original tabs" = the original deconstruct tabs for the current station ( Jewelry, Weapons, Apparel )
