This addon will add a marker to the master writs in your bag, bank, guild stores, and mail attachments, to indicate which writs can be completed.

WritWorthy, which this addon relies on, will indicate on a master writ's item tooltip whether or not your character has the requisite knowledge to complete that writ, but when scanning through a long list of writs in your bag, bank, guild stores, or mail attachments, it is a bit cumbersome to examine each writ's tooltip individually, which is why this addon was created.

Indicator markers
  • Green Check: WritWorthy has completed crafting for this master writ.
    • The appearance of this marker requires WritWorthy.
  • Yellow Check: This master writ can be crafted by the current character, but it has not yet been crafted.
    • The appearance of this marker requires WritWorthy.
  • Red X: This is a blacksmithing, clothier, or woodworking master writ that requires a motif that your main crafter character does not know.
    • This marker does not require WritWorthy, and is useful for when you are logged onto a non-crafter alt who might not have WritWorthy enabled.
    • Players can specify who their main crafter character is (or disable this marker entirely) in the addon settings panel; by default, it is the character with the highest priority in LibCharacterKnowledge.
These are just the default colors; they can be changed via the addon's settings panel.

Additional Inventory Management Tweaks

To help players better manage master writs in their inventory, this addon improves the functionality of two of the columns in the inventory view.
  • Trait Information column: This is the small unlabeled column just to the left of the Value column. Normally, this column is unused for master writs. Now, sorting by this column will sort master writs by their set name, so it's easier to retrieve a set of master writs whose stations are closely located inside alphabetically-sorted crafting houses.
  • Value column: Normally, this column just shows 0 gold for every master writ, which is not very useful. Now, this column will instead show the voucher value of master writs and can be used to sort master writs by their voucher value.
Both of these tweaks can be disabled via the addon's settings panel. WritWorthy is not required.

Advanced Filters

For players with the Advanced Filters addon installed, this addon will add a custom filter plugin to filter for doable and completed master writs.


