
Provides a summary of whether you have the required knowledge and materials to craft a master writ. This information is shown in the tooltip displayed when hovering over the item in an inventory or store view.

I made this addon before I realised that WritWorthy already exists, which does basically the same thing (and more!). Feel free to use either one.

Known Limitations

This addon is still early days and has a lot of bugs
  • Only blacksmithing, clothing, woodworking and jewelry writs are supported (but I could add the other types if there's demand for it).
  • There's no support for languages other than English right now.
  • I haven't had an opportunity to test this addon without all DLCs enabled yet. It should work, but there might be bugs; if you encounter any then please report them!
  • The information may not appear when hovering over a writ in some less-commonly-used inventory views (but I could trivially add support for them if there is demand for it).
  • Due to a bug in ESO's item set collectibles database, this addon cannot determine if the Honor Guard Jack or Honor Guard Jerkin style pages are unlocked.


If you have any problems using this addon, feel free to:

I work on this in my free time, so I don't provide any guarantees about when/if I will respond, but I try my best.

Source code

This addon is free and open source software. The source code is available on Github here.
