
NoResearchDupes is an Elder Scrolls Online add-on to detect when you have more than one item that can be researched to provide the same trait, and mark all but one of them as a "duplicate" so that you can sell or deconstruct them.

Researching a trait isn't affected by the quality of the item you use for the research, but deconstructing the other items is. NoResearchDupes priorities the higher quality items for deconstruction (i.e. marked as "duplicate") and leaves the lowest quality item for research.

Duplicate items are shown in the UI by changing the colour of the magnifying glass icon indicating that the item has a researchable trait to a dark grey colour. Currently, this is only done in the blacksmithing/clothing/woodworking/jewelry deconstruction view, but could easily be extended to other inventory views.


If you have any problems using this addon, feel free to:

I work on this in my free time, so I don't provide any guarantees about when/if I will respond, but I try my best.

Source code

This addon is free and open source software. The source code is available on Github here.
