Disclaimer: All addons are used at your own risk. I try to test everything I upload extensively, but I am not responsible for any mats, items or gold you lose because something doesn't work as you thought it would.

  • Pre-craft items for alchemy and provisioning writs
  • Pre-craft items for your toons to research
  • Pre-craft user-defined alchemy and provisioning items

Accessing the addon
There are three ways to run the addon:
  1. Type /cpc in chat.
  2. Specify a keybind.
  3. Go to the addon’s settings and activate the buttons (highly recommended).

The chat command and keybind is context sensitive.
  • Use it at an alchemy or provisioning station to fill up your stacks.
  • Use it at the bank to transfer all items used for daily alchemy or provisioning writs to the bank.

Activating the addon’s buttons should be the prefered way to access it. The buttons will only show when they are actually needed and will give you some useful information via their tooltips.

This addon will never start to craft automatically, instead it will always wait for you to run it. This is intended to not interfere with lazy writ or anything similar.

Functions in detail

Pre-crafting writ items
If you're using Dolgubon's Lazy Writ to do your daily writs you probably have precrafted stacks of items used for alchemy and provisioning. This addon will help you keep those stacks filled.

In the addon's settings you can specify the stack size for food, potions and poisons. Please note that the addon will always assume that you use it on a char with the passive abilities to get 4 (or 16) items instead of one (resulting numbers might differ for that reason). Also note that the addon will only pre-craft writs for level 1 or 50. The addon will check your inventory and the bank for existing items and will only craft the missing ones. If you need writ items pre-crafted for other levels please add them as custom items (see below).

You can let the addon decide which combinations to use for alchemy or use the dropdown menus for each writ to use your favorite combinations. If you have LibPrice and a price addon (TTC/MM/ATT) installed you can also let the addon detect which combinations will be the cheapest at the moment and use those (use the button in the addon's options).

Pre-crafting research items
Go to the addon's settings and specify for which characters items should be pre-crafted and how many there should be in the bank/inventory. Use the CPC-buttons to precraft the items, deposit them in the bank and then start the research. If you want to use this function you should always use the addon to start the research. CPC will choose the pre-crafted items that will take the shortest amount of time. It will only use the pre-crafted level 1 items. If you manually start a research please note that any unnecessary items remaining in the bank have to be handled manually. This function requires CraftStore and LibLazyCrafting.

Pre-crafting custom items (alchemy and provisioning)
You can set up any provisioning and/or alchemy item to be pre-crafted via the addon’s settings. For alchemy items the addon will always use LibPrice to find the cheapest combination of ingredients the moment you craft the item. Please note, that this will only work for ingredients your current character has already learned.
You can add any alchemy or provisioning item you have in your bank or inventory. If you don't have it, just craft it once so you can add it to the list.

Languages: English / German

Depends on:

Optional depends on:
For auto-selection of ingredients and custom items:
For pre-crafting and analyzing research items:
