Requires libIsJustaAlchemy

Works in Gamepad Mode and Keyboard/Mouse Mode

This addon is a work in progress.

  • added translations to support automation for de,fr,ru. -- translations still needed for settings
  • added support for certifications. -- needs further testing
  • added settings for certifications (auto-refine, auto-decon).
  • added setting to auto-collapse the writ panel when all writs are completed, no longer forced.

Updated Writ panel with Station Icons. The chest icon shows that at least 1 item for that writ is in the bank.
* Green (ready to turn in), Yellow (not all items can be done), Red (all items will fail for at least one reason)
Displays a panel on the HUD that shows the current writs and how many are completed.
The writ panel:
  • can be collapsed to show only the number of writs completed and total.
  • can be minimized to a small arrow icon.
  • hides in pvp zones, and when in combat.
  • moves out of the way of the group list.
  • if in a group of more than 4, it auto collapses.
  • can work in combination with Isjusta Easy Alchemy

  • auto-sets the current staion to currently selected item to craft upon using the station.
    example: on "Using" a provisioning station, it will auto select the current recipe's tab and scroll to the recipe in the list.
  • one-click accept all writs from board.
  • one-click withdraw all items in the player bank needed for all active writs.
  • one-click crafting.
  • one-click turn-in.
  • auto-open writ reward containers.

  • can set to auto accept writs from Job boards.
  • each writ type can be set to Auto-craft in settings (Smithing, Provisioning, Alchemy, Enchanting).
  • for smithing writs, can set to use the syle material you have the most of. can also set it to only use Race styles.
  • for smithing master writs, can set to auto-improve the item to the required quality.
  • can set to auto-exit from station after all writs for the station are complete.
  • can set to auto-open wirt reward containers after writ turn in, and can set a delay to wait before trying after each writ turned in. this is to give the user time to turn in other writs before the opening process begains.
  • the Writ Panel can be set to 1 of 4 font sizes.
  • the Writ Panel's transparency can be set.
  • for keyboard mode, the alchemy Recipe Panel can be moved and locked.
