Display a characters race and class while targeting them.
If you share a guild or are friends with that person it will be denoted by an icon.

Dependencies*) If you have that addon installed, this addon will allow you to try and display the champion points of characters below level 50 given you have other character of that account tracked in your database. It will only give you the last and highest recorded CP for that account, which may or may not be accurate to the actual amount of CP of that account. The more up to date the data, the more precise. This is an optional feature.

Amount of information and display style is configurable:
Choose to see, no added information (like the vanilla UI), race only, class only or both. Also choose if you want to see text or an icon for the class/race (Screenshot shows race and class displayed, with race as text and class as icon).

Automatically uses your game locale for the unit frame change.
Settings menu currently supported ind English and German only.

Everything else remains unchanged!


Check out other addons from the "Added Info"-series:The "Added Info"-series aims to add more information without changing the style and functionality of the vanilla UI too much.

Known Issues:
  • None!

  • Should be compatible with all addons.
