Adds features to the vanilla unit frames:
  • Coloring of the healthbars in both small and large groups.
  • Color presets, if you're too lazy :P
  • Choose colors by role - Any role can have any color. Yes any: custom colors are supported!
  • Player can have a different color than anyone else.
  • RGB Healthbars !!!
  • See if people are being resurrected or have a pending resurrection instead of just "Dead".

Currently supports only English and German text.


Check out other addons from the "Added Info"-series:The "Added Info"-series aims to add more information without changing the style and functionality of the vanilla UI too much.

Known Issues:
  • Using the grid feature is still experimental and buggy. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it just breaks or works mid game :S

  • Should be compatible with all addons that don't mess with the vanilla UI unit frames
  • Incompatible with other unit frame addons (3rd party UIs)
