I really liked HeadResource addon but since it is now Discontinued & Outdated I have altered it according to my taste. Will be adding improvements in time.
Many thanks to Eddie Yang for inspiration.

Bar can be moved in mouse mode.

Command List:
/mbreset - Resets position, color and size to default.

/mbscale # - Replace # with a number from 0.5 to 2 to scale the bars. e.g. /mbscale 1.5

/mblock - Locks and unlocks bars at current position.

/mbcolor n - Normal vision color mode
/mbcolor p - Protan color mode
/mbcolor d - Deutran color mode
/mbcolor t - Tritan color mode
  • New colorblind feature.
  • New lock position feature.
  • Major performance improvements.
  • Minor design improvements.
  • Fixed decimal scaling issues.

Completely deleting the addon before re-installing is recommended as some files are now redundant.
  • Minor tweaks to improve performance.
  • No more lib dependency.
  • Add new various background textures.
  • Addon menu interface to replace slash commands.
  • Optional resource numbers.
  • More flexible sizing features.
