
Undaunted Pledge Queuer 作者: remosito

Dependencies: Undaunted Daily ( https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info1286-UndauntedDaily.html )LibAddonMenu-2.0 V>= 34LibSetsUpdate 35.0 New Features:- Settings to manually add more Dungeons to always display - Setting to automatically add Dunge

New Life Festival Wayshrines 作者: kawamonkey

Adds slash commands for porting to the locations for Breda's daily quests.Use the commands with a wayshrine activated to avoid fees. Destination wayshrines must be unlocked for this to work./nl - New Life Festival tent (Eastmarch)/castle - Castle Cha

CrowdednESO 作者: Masteroshi430

CrowdednESO evaluates ESO's crowdedness when you close the Alliance war menu using:- Global campaigns population (officially max 1800 players per campaign multiplied by the number of campaigns)- Your guildmates' Online/offline status (5 guilds = max 250

Imperial City Helper 作者: kawamonkey

Some simple Quality of Life functionality for running around Imperial CityAdds district names to Imperial City quest namesShows controlling alliance for districts at entrancesAuto-selects quest for your current district

Rengaru's Oakensoul Swap 作者: Rengaru

A quick way to swap weapons even with the Oakensoul Ring equipped.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This addon will let you bind a key that un-equips the Oakensoul Ring

EsoBR - Tradução Português - v2023 作者: rodrigo

EsoBRAn unofficial portuguese translation for the The Elder Scrolls Online. 100% of the game are translated.Compatible with NecromCompatible with Steam®An especial thanks to Cervanteso for his translation tool, and Skrybowie Tamriel for his ingame to

ChromaConfig 作者: otac0n

A utility for configuring the Razer Chroma™ functionality.Depends On:LibAddonMenu-2.0LibSavedVars

Plunder Skull Tracker 作者: kawamonkey

Tracks Plunder Skull drops during the Witches FestivalCommands/skulls - Shows which Golden (Dremora) Plunder Skull types have dropped today/enthusiast - Shows progress for the Plunder Skull Enthusiast/Aficionado/Fanatic achievement on current character