
Plunder Skull Tracker 作者: kawamonkey

Tracks Plunder Skull drops during the Witches FestivalCommands/skulls - Shows which Golden (Dremora) Plunder Skull types have dropped today/enthusiast - Shows progress for the Plunder Skull Enthusiast/Aficionado/Fanatic achievement on current character

OutfitDropdown 作者: manavortex

Adds the outfit style dropdown to the gear display when you open your inventory screen

Lazy Alik'r Dolmen Runner 作者: kawamonkey

Gets rid of some of the more distracting aspects of the endless dolmen train in Alik'r Desert like wayshrine selection and Molag Bal's constant tauntsFeaturesAutomates wayshrine jumpsDisables voice-overs & enables subtitlesShows XP progress barHid

FastReset 作者: m00nyONE

FastResetThis addon is made for players who want to complete trifectas in trials with their groups.Are you tired of resetting the instance all the time? Port out, port back in? Then someone forgets to refill his ultimate & the first trash starts with

SprintSens 作者: hocuz

I don't know if it's a bug or intentional, but it bothered me a lot, so I wrote a little addon. This addon increases mouse sensitivity when sprinting, so it feels like normal mouse sensitivity.Since the mouse sensitivity in the game settings (1 to 100) a

CrowdednESO 作者: Masteroshi430

CrowdednESO evaluates ESO's crowdedness when you close the Alliance war menu using:- Global campaigns population (officially max 1800 players per campaign multiplied by the number of campaigns)- Your guildmates' Online/offline status (5 guilds = max 250

Writ Style Price 作者: bulton-fr

Scan to find all blacksmith, clothier and woodworking masterWrits where the style asked is unknown, find the style price from many sources and display it.I have created this addon because I accumulate many masterWrits with a style I don't know, and at a

Aenathel's Lazy Chat Linker 作者: Aenathel

This add-on allows you to link items by shift-clicking them.Currently limited to linking items from your inventory, including equipped items.More chat linking functionality is planned, stay tuned!DependenciesThe following dependencies are needed for the

Burning Language Selector 作者: IBurningTV

this addon has been created for players who wish to have audio and text in two different languages.By default the language is set to English, you just have to go to Settings > Addons > Burning Language Selector, To change your language (a reloadUi