
Auto Process Stolen Items 作者: manavortex

Automatically processes stolen items in two stages: On pickup: Option to trash an itemOn fence: Automatically launder or sell an itemYou can configure what you want to launder/sell in the settings.Use at own risk!While this AddOn completely ignores

Emote Tester for IdleAnimations 作者: Werewolf Finds Dragon

Please read this.I'm taking another break for a while. My anxiety isn't holding up well and I need to take some time for myself to recover. Frankly, modding can be a thankless job and some of the people one is forced to interact with can be... deeply unp

OutfitDropdown 作者: manavortex

Adds the outfit style dropdown to the gear display when you open your inventory screen

Deome's Settings Profiles Updated by BSK... 作者: BSKCorp

Update 1.11 - Updated for Summerset DLC. Not fully tested yet. Let me know if it breaks.**This first of all is a simple fix to get this addon to work with the latest ESo Patches. I haven't changed the main coding or anything. Only thing I have done is re