Are you tired of seeing enormous bot trains all over tamriel, but it takes too much time to report them? Worry no more! The Bot Scanner 2000 is here to assist you in your righteous crusade!

How To Use:
Keybinding -> it's a 3 way toggle, (open window and scan, pause scan, close window)

I found a video posted to Youtube by HeroOfNone which sells this thing better than I can

Also endorsed by Rich Lambert apparently!
(Here is the name drop a little later)

Then just look at the bots with your targeting cursor to create the list.
Mouse over their names in the list and...

Mouse 1: Selects the target for whispering
Mouse 2: Opens the right click menu and provides several familiar options
Shift+Mouse 1: Opens the report player window and populates the entire player report window for you!

Then just click Submit

Slash Commands:
/bot scan -> reveal scanner and begin scanning all players that fall under your targetting reticle and storing them in an a useable window (drag the window by the edge to move)
/bot fin -> close the scanner and clear all data
/bot clear -> clear the content of the scanner (but don't close or open window)
/bot pause -> stop scanning, but leave the window open
/bot hide -> pause scanning, hide window, does not clear stored data
/bot show -> reveal the scanner window

A decent question was posted in the comments section about how to tell bots from actual humans, so I'll include that answer here.
Usually you can tell a bot from a player by going down a simple checklist:
  1. Does the character come to a complete stop right in front of a mob (every mob) before engaging? Even ranged bots do this.
  2. Do all character attacks happen with about a 2 second delay, and always about the same delay?
  3. Actual players will often walk sideways or backwards, bots never do.
  4. Are there multiple characters in the same location (usually very close together) doing everything else on this list?
  5. I included a screenshot or two showing a bot train of 3-4 pet sorc bots in Stormhaven.
  6. Pet sorcs are by far the most common bot type.
  7. If you run ahead of the player train and kill all their mobs, do they still follow the same path and never complain in zone about you stealing their grind spot or something?
  8. Have you whitnessed similar behavior in the same area? Bots are usually set out in the same locations for each zone because there is actually something like mats to grind.
  9. Does their @name actually look like a word/phrase/name? Bot names are often generated.
Bots are discrete in the sense that they don't make a lot of noise. But once you start looking for them, you will always find them, and they can never be unseen again. I would estimate that about a third of players you encounter in the wilderness are actually bots.

Coincidentally, when I went to test this lasted update, it took me over 30 minutes to find a bot... My friend suggests that ZOS's crown selling simply cut into the profits of gold sellers so bad that the bot masters simply moved to a different game.
