RemindMe is an addon that allows you to set up your own reminders. Originally came out of the idea that I often hear group members during a PVP raid say 'I don't have any siege. Can someone remind me to get some?'. With this addon, you can see up reminders (for one time use or recurring) for a certain amount of minutes or when capturing a resource / keep / town / outpost in PVP.

Current commands available:
  • /remindmehelp - tells you how the addon works and some example commands
  • /remindme OPTION OPTION OPTION - allows you to add reminders
  • /remindmelist - lists out recurring reminders
  • /remindmeremove OPTION - allows you to remove recurring reminders

Some example commands:
  • /remindme 10m go to the bank
  • /remindme 30m go capture a resource recurring
  • /remindme capture go pick up some siege
  • /remindme login Transmute healing gear

Each reminder will get posted in chat as well as a center screen announcement. The first command will post in 10 minutes, the second command every 30 minutes, and the third upon capture of a keep, resource, etc. The second option allows for 'Xs', 'Xm', or 'capture' has options; you can absolutely set up a recurring reminder for every 10 seconds. If recurring reminder is set-up, 'recurring' must be at the end of the command. You can set-up whatever message you'd like.

This addon does not set-up reminders for the whole group.

As always, if you have any comments or question, feel free to contact me at '@aldericon'.

Dependencies: None
