Alternative Addon List Design.
  • Rearrange controls for more space for title and author. Using a tooltip instead.
  • Change the out-of-date text for a more precise description what it means.
  • Sort patch addons below their main addon.
  • Libraries, not used by any addon, are marked as optional (green).
  • Addons unzipped to a suspicious file location (which can be bad for textures/images), are marked yellow as well.
  • Disable library after deactivating last reference.
Since Morrowind duplicate manifest text files get sorted out and with new (in Morrowind) tag ## AddOnVersion, the highest (newest) version is used.
This is ideal for libraries. Especially for those used in nearly all addons, like LibStub or LibAddonMenu (LAM).

A "patch" addon is any addon which depends on one or more addon(s) which is/are not a library.
An addon depending on libraries only is a normal main addon.

Libraries no longer detected by name convention
Libraries have to use the manifest tag ## IsLibrary: true
See Addon manifest (.txt) format.
