Gear and ability manager with full drag and drop support.

— EN
- Lightweight.
- Have no active functions in idle.
- Trusty. You will not find yourself in the battle with the wrong skills on your swap panel.
- Full drag and drop support. You can use the mouse to set skills from the skills window, from the ability bar, clothes from the inventory or the character’s window, you can move, rearrange and copy everything in the manager’s window. There are also context menus for complex copying/cleaning of slots.
- Intuitive mouse control with all kinds of highlights and control of user actions. When placing an item or skill will automatically highlight the appropriate slots. The manager will not allow to put two identical skills on the panel, to put the jewelry on the belt slot or inserting ability into the slot of the ultimate. For all items and skills there are in-game tooltips.
- Items that are equipped or not available for equipment are marked with altered slot frames.
- Deep interface customisation.
- Interactive headers with automatically generated names based on exposed item sets.
- Disguise/tabard, collectible costume equipping
- On-screen messages
- Additional ability bar
- Single use slot
- Radial menu

- Option to mark gear items in inventory

- Option to change players inventory

- Outfit and collectible selector


Additional slots. Add-on can be used both for a complete disguise by a button without calling the interface, and also to dress objects or individual skills simply by clicking on them. So you can, for example, do not fill all the slots and keep there only individual items/skills so as not to rummage through the inventory/skills panel:

Additional skill panel (disabled by default). It is possible to place skill variations on it and set them just by clicking the mouse and not divert a separate panel of the entire set. You can assign a button for it. When you press the button, the skills from the additional panel of the active set (that you wore the last time) will be placed on current ability bar:

Equipping different sets. When equipping a set with only a part of the slots filled, only those that are indicated will be dressed. So you can quickly change only one set/part of skills:

Second panel. If your swap button is blinking, this means that the Gear Manager is waiting for you to swap the panel to change skills in the second panel:

Different sets combination. You can combine different sets or replace parts of items simply by copying one incomplete set into another:

Sinle use slot. When you press the button, the specified skill will be placed on the current panel in the specified slot. Immediately after its activation, the skill that was previously there will be returned to the panel:

Unequipping. Right click on blank slot to set it to unequip.

— RU
Описание на русском

Developers info:
Callback: BUI_Gear_Swap fires when gear manager waits for panel swap
Callback: BUI_Gear_Equipped returns equipped gear number

See also:
Info Panel
Group Loot Notifier
Chat Tab Selector
Map Pins
Bandits Loot Manager
Bandits Alchemy Helper
Bandits User Interface
