This add-on is a front-end for LibDebugLogger and allows to view and filter the logged messages.
There is now an external Log Viewer too, which can be used to share log files.

  • Quick Log for non-intrusive display of log messages
  • No more Lua error pop-ups - they will now show in the quick log and play a sound instead
  • No more add-on debug messages in chat - they will be shown in the quick log
  • Log Viewer with filters
  • Detail view for message
  • Add-on Settings (including LibDebugLogger settings)

The log viewer can be bound to a key, opened via the /logviewer slash command, or via the options context menu in the quick log.
Clicking the time stamp or tag on an entry in the quick log, or the a row in the log viewer will open a new window with the full message and stack trace.
Any links in a message can be interacted with normally, both from the log viewer and the quick log.

Make sure to install the following required libraries in order to use DebugLogViewer.
Reporting a problem:
Before you report something, please make sure you have installed the latest version of all your addons and check the Change Log for known issues.

Please take the time to cover the following points in your report:
1) What were you trying to do?
2) What actually happened?
3) Which steps did you take?
4) Can you reproduce it a second time after logging out and in again (or /reloadui)?

Screenshots and videos are also very useful to figure out what is going wrong. In addition you should also log out (or /reloadui) and upload the LibDebugLogger.lua from your Saved Variables somewhere and include a link to it. It contains a lot of useful information that will make it even easier for me to pinpoint an issue and get it fixed fast.
