Depends on the following (separately installed) libraries: LibSFUtils, LibAddonMenu

RidingSchool automates the chore of increasing your riding skills on your characters. With it, you can go talk to the Stablemaster each day and it will automatically, answer the prompts to select the riding skills that you wish to train in the order that you want to train them up in. All you need is to:
  • have the 250 gold on you to pay for the training,
  • be "ready" (minimum 20 hours since last trained), and
  • talk to the Stablemaster.
When doing riding training, you are given the choice of training in:
  • speed
  • stamina
  • carry capacity
With RidingSchool, you can set it so that you will automatically do speed training first before going on to carry capacity (inventory size bonus), and so on. You can also choose to disable automatic training for any of the three so that only the ones that are left enabled will be managed automatically.

You also have the option of setting training thresholds for each type of training. What a threshold does is to say that you want to train up to that point (below maximum) and then go on to training the next skill up to its threshold. Then when all of the skills reach the threshold value, RidingSchool will start training past the thresholds until you reach maximum in all of the skills - still in the order that you specified. The addition of the thresholds is so that you can train up to a decent level but still have a bit of room at the top to be able to use the riding skills scrolls that you may get from daily rewards.

With the default settings, your options are applied accountwide to all of your characters. By turning off accountwide, you can have a unique setup for a particular character - for instance, speed might not be a priority for you EXCEPT in your PVP character that travels in Cyrodiil. So, your PVP character would have his own skillup order.

Additional Notes:
  • For your characters, that have completed their training in all skill levels, this addon detects that it has nothing to do and shuts itself down when those characters are loaded.
  • All messages from RidingSchool that are displayed in the chat window are prefaced with "[RidingSchool] ".
Commands Available in Chat:
You can perform certain commands on RidingSchool using slash commands in the chat window.

Display help for the RidingSchool slash commands.

Open up the settings page for the RidingSchool addon.

Display the current settings in chat.

See Also
If you don't need a graphic settings page or thresholds, you might also want to look at AutoRidingTraining, which is configured completely through the chat window.
