Tweaks to ESO's Controller UI

This add-on is a hodgepodge of tweaks to ESO's default controller/gamepad UI to make the controller experience a bit nicer. Configure options by using /controllertweaks chat command.

  • Shows Junk indicators, and researchable indicators in the inventory
  • Adds controller hotkey to mark item as junk
  • Hotkeys are configurable in settings (destroy/junk/stack)
  • If PersonalAssistant addon is installed, adds "Mark as Permanent Junk" option to Actions menu
  • If TamrielTradeCentre is installed, shows abbreviated TTC price information in item popups
Dungeon Finder:
  • Shows entries for active Pledge quests at the top of the Specific Dungeon list
  • Hotkey to delete all mail with no attachments
Loot Panel:
  • Adds vertical offset to the loot popup panel (configurable in options). No more loot displayed behind the chat window.
  • Hides low level (below champion 160) recipes by default. Can be shown again using the Actions menu toggles.
Gamepad Chat:
  • Allows quick traveling to guild members, group members, or friends (that have recently chatted) through the controller chat interface
This Add-on is not created by, affiliated with or sponsored by ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates. The Elder Scrolls® and related logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All rights reserved.
