Original Detailed Location Information was created by @inklings ( )

Thanks so much for letting me use it!

Big Thanks as welll to esoui's frozenhamster for transforming @inklings multisheet info into one table for me.

Addon is now ready for Translation into other languages if anybody is interested.

Thanks to Hasenwarrior and Orejana for translation of UI strings and Location Data into German.
Thanks to Jakez31 for translation into French.
Thanks to AWEyeforaneye for translations into Russian

This Addon displays Leads in all their glory.

Either via /displayleads or keyboard shortcut

With a lot of information, including detailed Lead Location in a tooltip.

It as well has a ton of filters. Of Note of those:

Major Filters:
- Can Scry : Shows only Leads you have found but not yet scried
- Can Find : Shows only Leads you can find (no unscried yet Leads and no non-repeatable found ones)
- Missing Codex : Only shows Leads you can find which have missing Codex Info. Aka the Lore Completionists Filter

Zone Filters:
- Current Zone : Only Shows Leads pertaining to the current zone. Changes as you travel through Tamriel
- No minor DLC : Excludes all the non-Chapter DLC (Murkmire, Dragonguard, Clockwork City, Wrothgar,..)

Set/Type Filters :
- Multipart Antiquities: Only shows the juicy multipart Antiquity Leads

The three Filters are logical ANDs

So "Can Find" "Current Zone" "Multipart" will only show missing leads for the current zone for multipart Antiquities

