PSA: this addon doesn't change the mundus for you

Do you always forget to change your mundus stone?

Is your raidlead getting pissed about you having to port out last second?

Well, this stops today!!!

With this addon those struggles are from the past.
You can easily setup your prefered mundus for:
- Trials (Not normal but it doesn't matter in normal anyway)
- Dungeon
- Cyrodiil
- and last but not least Imperial City.

Lets explain the addon now that the sale talk is over.
1. After you downloaded the addon you go into the settings->Addons->Mundus
2. There you select the prefered mundus stones for each content
3. After selecting the stones for each content you reloadUI
4. Now whenever you go into PVP or PVE with the wrong mundus stone you will get a message on your screen
5. Get the correct mundus stone

- LibAddonMenu-2.0
