Make it harder to accidentally lose event tickets by getting more than the max of 12 tickets. It does not yet make it impossible, however!

Between events, you can use it for its nice side effects: it makes Assistants far less annoying when in a group, and makes it so you can ignore all NPCs, corpses, or containers for a while. You can even switch off the ticket-handling stuff completely, and use the addon just for these features, instead!

Significant change in version 1.3.0 - crouch-to-loot containers and bodies is now no longer triggered by hitting your ticket limit. For containers, it's because no events so far have had tickets in containers. For bodies, it's because the tickets are generated on the body when it dies. If you run off to spend your existing tickets, the body, and its tickets, will be gone when you return. So you are better off getting whatever tickets you can off the body, even if it meant you lose some.

  • Will block you from eating Jubilee Cake if you have too many tickets.
  • Can block you from accepting Cyrodiil job-board quests that might give you too many tickets.
  • Can block you from dialog options for taking or handing in quests that might give you too many tickets.
  • Lets you override that block anyway, by crouching (just like the NoAccidentalStealing addon).
  • Lets you set NPCs to always be crouch-to-talk, regardless of tickets: handy when grinding writs, safeboxes, etc.
  • Lets you set assistants to always be crouch-to-talk: handy if your group members always forget to put their Ezabi away!
  • Similarly with corpses, and with other containers.
  • No keybinds to set up, no commands to learn, no space taken up on your UI: just crouch!

Possible future ToDo items

Please post in the comments if any of these would be useful, or you have any other suggestions!
  • ToDo: Internationalization.
  • ToDo: Allow characters to have their own individual settings, instead of globally shared ones.
  • ToDo: Remind the player to get tickets for the day?
  • ToDo: Add compatibility with the Event Tracker addon to turn off blocking outside of events, so there're no tickets to be got? But maybe a few days after the scheduled ending, in case event gets extended.
  • ToDo: Add other potentially-annoying actions, like interacting with other players, murdered corpses, using a non-set crafting table where you've already completed the writ, maybe even a system to allow players to define their own lists of verbs and targets (So they could block, eg, "Use" with "*Portal", "Talk" with "vendors"?)
  • ToDo: Offer other standard keys (shift/run, or "jump within a few seconds before interacting) instead of/as well as crouching?
  • ToDo: Split this addon up into a bunch of very minimal lightweight one-task addons with no config (crouch to use assistants, crouch to get tickets, etc), and one big rollup addon that does it all and gives the user lots of config options for each thing.

Related addons
  • Event Ticket Notifier by ibex.rc - shows a warning when you get close to your limit.
  • Event Tracker by Kelinmiriel - tracks events, and your tickets, and which are available, and warns if you get close.
  • Event Collectibles by code65536 - tracks which account-wide event-only collectibles you've picked up.
  • Smart Looter by code65536 - will not auto-loot currencies over your currency limit.
