Requires LibSlashCommander

This addon allows you to easily teleport to any player's residence - as long as you have the required permission to enter the player's house - all from the ESO built-in chat box.

This addon is exclusively used via the chat command system. That means there's no complicated setup, configuration, or complex interfaces to use to visit other player homes. I personally find this to be much faster and easier than navigating through various interfaces in order to travel to the home in question.

Commands should use the following format:
/visit @PlayerEsoName
where @PlayerEsoName is the ESO account name of the player you're trying to visit. The ESO account name can be entered with or without the @ symbol, but the addon will automatically insert it if necessary (and thus, you cannot use a character name, the account name must be used).

You can also specify a specific home to visit:
/visit @PlayerEsoName Coldharbour Surreal Estate
Player Names and House Names have autocomplete suggestions that can tab-completed, but only for players somewhere in your friends list, guild list, or group (meaning visiting random player houses will still work fine but the autocomplete suggestions will not populate and you'll be required to type the name of the user and house).

The command also supports these aliases, if you find them easier to remember: /jumptohouse and /gotohouse

Requires LibSlashCommander

