Chalutier adds a small Icon to the User-Interface that shows different fishing states and more, to improve players fishing performance.

Depends on LibAddonMenu.
Depends on FishingStateMachine.

States that are shown by Chalutier:
  • IDLE: Running around, neither looking at an interactable nor fighting
  • LOOKAWAY: Looking at an interactable which is NOT a fishing hole
  • LOOKING: Looking at a fishing hole
  • DEPLETED: fishing hole just depleted
  • NOBAIT: Looking at a fishing hole, with NO bait equipped
  • FISHING: Fishing
  • REELIN: Reel in!
  • LOOT: Lootscreen open, only right after Reel in!
  • INVFULL: No free inventory slots
  • FIGHT: Fighting / Enemys taunted
  • DEAD: Player is dead

Check it out on github.

This AddOn is based on ProvisionsChalutier authored by Provision.
It adds many more states, tighter state changes and a much more stable state machine.
I touched or changed almost all of the code and hence am releasing this as an own addon.
