If you ever spammed E through the countless dialogues just to get that quest XP, here's an addon that does it for you automatically.
1) Accepts and turns in the quests
2) Talks to the NPCs, choosing all previously not chosen phrases. By default, stops upon seeing an important choice (in red text).
3) Reads books without showing the book UI, closing it instantly
4) Trains the riding skills in the stable in the specified order

1) Hotkey in Controls that enables/disables the dialogue skip functionality.
2) Settings panel:
  1. Skip dialogues
  2. Skip important choices
  3. Skip books
  4. Skip stable training
  5. Riding skills order
The settings are different per character.


Known issues:
  • After the stables training, it's impossible to open the ESC menu. It can be solved by talking to any NPC again (you'll see that the "Talk" interaction text is gray before talking to them).
  • Reading the HM scroll in the dungeons twice will exit the dialogue because the "Activate HM" option has already been chosen. For now the solution is to toggle "Skip Dialogues" OFF.
