Requires LibAddonMenu-2.0
Requires LibInteractionHook

Works in Gamepad Mode and Keyboard/Mouse Mode

This is mostly made for Gamepad mode but, can be used for Keyboard/mouse too.

Are you tired of trying to jump and your companion gets in the way?
Or tired of not being able to keep up with your group while mounted because, you try to jump over a river but stop to harvest a Torchbug?

This addon lets you disable specific interactions while moving and, during the cooldown set in the settings for the specific action.
Have you stolen the item behind that quest giver too many times when you have just ran up to talk to them?
How about setting "Steal" to 10 seconds. After stoping, you have 10 seconds to click around to interact with that quest giver without the risk of being attacked for stealing.
Need a moment to interact with world objects without talking to your companion?
You can set the cooldown just high enough to give you a little time.

All cooldowns can be set from 0.1 to 10 seconds in 0.1 seconds increments.

The options are:
  1. disable for companion.
  2. disable for "Other" selectable actions:
    • Search
    • Talk
    • Mine
    • Collect
    • Disarm
    • Use
    • Read
    • Take
    • Unlock
    • Open
    • Examine
    • Fish
    • Steal
    • Hide
    • Excavate
Selected actions are disabled for a set cooldown after the character has stopped moving.
The cooldowns are set by sliders for each selectable action.
Cooldowns are active only for the time set for the currently targeted action. (if the target action changes to another selected action, the cooldown does to. But, does not reset.)
Can be any combinations of selectable actions.

Optional Features:
  • Turn the reticle red while delay is active for current target.
  • Disable selected actions while in a dungeon or trial.
  • Disable selected actions while in a PVP zone.
  • Disable selected actions while crouching.
  • Hide interactions on cooldown.

May add other actions to disable, upon requests.
