Quick Description

This addon allows you to associate your addons to custom categories.
Each categories can be reordered like you would like.


There is already some categories created :
User Interface, Trackers, Combat, PvE, PvP, Util, Craft, Housing, Map, Class

You can create how many new categories that you want.

AddonCategory also have some addons already put into categories.

For Authors

You can assign your own addon to a category if the addon doesn't already have a category linked to it.
Exemple if you want to set your addon's category "Combat" :
Lua Code:
  1. --Add this to your OnAddOnLoaded function
  2. if AddonCategory then
  3.     AddonCategory.AssignAddonToCategory(addonName, AddonCategory.baseCategories.Combat)
  4. end
AddonCategory.baseCategories is :
Lua Code:
  1. AddonCategory.baseCategories = {
  2.     UserInterface = "User Interface",
  3.     Trackers = "Trackers",
  4.     Combat = "Combat",
  5.     PvE = "PvE",
  6.     PvP = "PvP",
  7.     Util = "Util",
  8.     Craft = "Craft",
  9.     Housing = "Housing",
  10.     Map = "Map",
  11.     Class = "Class",
  12. }

Let me know if there is any bugs !

Big thanks to MrPikPik and andy.s for helping me when i started developing this addon.
