This add-on provides options to you help you manage your allies (companions and assistants).

After concluding business with your assistant (banker, merchant etc.) and dismissing them, the setting 'Auto summon companion' will resummon your previously active companion if it had been automatically dismissed.

If you manually dismiss your companion then they will never be resummoned until you manually activate them again.

There are options to customise the settings for reaction frequency, multi-rider mounts and ultimate use for each companion. The add-on will instantly change these settings as soon as you summon a new one.

The setting 'Persistent assistant' will resummon your banker, merchant or other active assistant whenever you change zones or log back on, effectively letting them follow wherever you go.

You can set your preferred companion and assistants and summon them quickly with a keybind or slash command.

Slash commands:
- /summoncompanion
- /summonbanker
- /summonmerchant
- /summonfence
- /summonarmory
- /summondecon
