A collection of small tools I made for myself to make life a little easier, but decided to share.

Use /ct to quickly access addon settings.

Tools include:
MotD To Chat (make items clickable for auctions) - If your guild holds auctions or links any items in the MotD, this allows you to send the MotD for all guilds, or just one, to the chat window with the /motd slash command so that you can click items, which then shows a proper tool tip. Handy if you use addons like Character Knowledge that tell you whether you know styles/recipes or not.

Discord Link To Group Chat - This allows you to save your discord link and then use the /discord slash command to load it into the group chat window. Pressing Enter a second time sends it.

Moveable Guild Hall Icon - Puts a moveable house icon in the main window that allows you to just click to go to your guild hall, favorite crafting hall or any player house you set it to. The player name is case sensitive, the house ID will have to be looked up (can be found here: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Player_Housing) and you will need permission to enter that house.

Guild Member Login/out Notification To Chat - Most MMO's notify you as guild members login/out, regardless of friends lists. This allows you to have that functionality for your guilds and allows you to toggle off any guilds you don't wish to be notified for. Handy if you waiting for people to login for events and such.

Basic Math Functions - simple math functions in the chat window for use at guild traders.
/mult {number} {number} - multiply the 2 numbers
/div {number} {number} - first number divided by second
/add {number} {number} {etc} - add all the numbers given
/sub {number} {number} {etc} - subtract all numbers from the first number

Random Number Generator - Pick a random number between {number} and {number} and load the outcome into /say. Pressing Enter a second time sends it.
/rand {number} {number}
